IT Business Consulting Hemphill & Associates, L.L.C.

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Handy References for Troubleshooting Personal Computers


Hemphill & Associates receives many requests to help resolve issues surrounding P.C.s at the office and quite frankly from many of our neighbors!  We put together these handy website references to help our customers in working through their needs.  Of course, if you would like help with getting your P.C.s up to where they need to be for your business, or are just plain stuck, contact us.  We'll be glad to work with you in constructing a plan (and implementing that plan) to keep your business running toward success. 

If you have a good website that has helped you in solving your problem, let us know in our feedback section so we can help others by adding it to this section (after we check it out of course)!   Also, see our P.C. Checklist to get your P.C.s in shape.

Note:  Many Internet Service Providers ("ISPs") such as AOL, Earthlink and others, now provide security protection programs through top providers like Symantec and McAfee at no chargeBefore you spend good money on these packages check with you ISP to see if it is already available to you.  If you have multiple P.C.s in your organization, many of these vendors offer enterprise or bulk-purchase agreements that can save you lots of $$$ over buying these individually.  Hemphill & Associates, L.L.C. can save your organization big $$$ with other Information Technology services by helping your organization navigate the tricky waters of software licensing and purchasing.

Hemphill & Associates does recommend anti-virus, firewall and spyware protection for all machines along with automatic updates (in most instances) for Windows Operating Systems.  See the sites for descriptions of these products and their meanings.  If you need help sorting your way through what can be a daunting maze of products, contact us, and we'll help sort it out.

Do a quick scan of your PC for a Security Vulnerability:

Symantec Security Scan to test for security issues or viruses:

Companies offering Security Products used by Hemphill & Associates, L.L.C.:

Symantec Website for Security Products:

McAfee Website for Security Products:

Anti-Spyware Products from Lavasoft:

Anti-Spyware Products from Webroot:

Check your Windows Operating System for the latest updates for security, functionality, and performance:

Microsoft Update website:


Designed and Created by Hemphill & Associates, L.L.C.
Copyright © 2005 Hemphill & Associates, L.L.C.  All rights reserved.
Revised: 04/14/12.