IT Business Consulting Hemphill & Associates, L.L.C.

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Other IT Services


Hemphill & Associates, L.L.C. can assist your organization with other services such as:

  • Disaster Recovery Planning--Does your company have a disaster recovery plan?  If a fire broke out in the building, could you recover and stay in business to service your customers?

  • Purchasing Strategies.  Are you taking advantage of bulk purchase rates and enterprise agreements on desktop software?

  • Hardware & Software Management Strategies.  Do you have a strategy for keeping your desktop and servers up-to-date?

  • Software Licensing and Management strategies.  Are you in compliance with licenses on your servers and desktops?

There are many other items where our experience can save you going down the wrong path and spending too many hard earned $$$!  Software and hardware is expensive!  A few hours with us can save you big $$$.  Contact us for more information on how we can help your organization leverage technology to succeed!


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Revised: 04/14/12.