IT Business Consulting Hemphill & Associates, L.L.C.

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System Analysis and Integration Services

Hemphill & Associates can help analyze your system and software needs from requirements analysis through the complete Software Development Life Cycle ("SDLC") including:  software/hardware/services acquisition, application testing, deployment and implementation.  Experienced professionals can also assist with logistic, tactical and strategic technology plans to help your business control costs, while improving operational efficiencies.   Having a strong strategic technology plan that meets the strategic needs of your business provides a roadmap to obtain maximum ROI from technology investments over time.  Hemphill & Associates provides complete Project & Team Management support to implement those plans with new installations, adapting or converting legacy systems, or tuning existing systems. 

Do you feel your systems are not meeting your business goals and objectives?  Are your systems:

Hemphill & Associates can also provide a supporting role for your IT department.  Don't know where to turn or want a second opinion? We can help.  We can look at your systems and make recommendations that make sense for your business.  With more than 25 years of experience integrating mainframes to PCs, we can help provide a roadmap to success!  Contact us to get started.  We can also help with Performance Analysis & Tuning.


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Revised: 04/15/12.