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Datawarehouse and Database Services

At Hemphill & Associates, we specialize in Data Warehouses and large Database Systems.  Properly designing & constructing the right Data Warehouse can make all the difference in the world to your business!  If a Data Warehouse or Database is poorly constructed, your business may suffer from poor performance or even system outages or data loss.  Your business may not be able to achieve necessary goals for Reporting or Data Mining. 

If you are planning a Data Warehouse contact us so we can help get you started on the right foot.  Whether you are using Oracle, SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Ingres, or other database system, we can help! 

If you are already experiencing issues with your Data Warehouse or Database, give us a call.  We can take care of the short term tactical issues to keep you going while we help you with a strategic vision for the future.



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Revised: 04/14/12.